Jeffrey Smith

Jeffrey Smith

Jeffrey Smith has had a career in the beauty industry for over 50 years. Raised in a small rural town in Ohio, Smith came to Pittsburgh in the 1970's to pursue cosmetology. After attending Pittsburgh Beauty Academy, he worked for many years with Leslie & Co. before embarking on his own. In 2002 he became a pioneer of Lawrenceville, opening his boutique salon when the area’s future was anything but certain. Smith was determined to be a part of something larger than himself, and hoped that his personal success would aid in the neighborhood’s progress and development. A decade later, once Lawrenceville became a flourishing cultural hub, Smith decided it was time for another grand move and brought his salon to Highland Park. 

In 2012, Smith embarked upon an exploration of his creativity and uncovered a passion for jewelry design. Created with a variety of unconventional materials including iced metals, natural stones, and glass, Smith's complementary and custom jewelry pieces were designed for wearers to combine and create personal style. Today beading is expressed differently from person to person. Balancing the shape, texture, and color of his materials, Smith reveres beadwork as a fine art form. Fellow artists and art instructors Jerry Florida, Bob Eppendorf, Dana Coury, Lillian Wright, Judy Juselius, Angel Moore Boyle, and Rebecca Mapes are an important part of his creative journey modernizing the beading craft. Smith's intricate, sculptural designs are sewn into found leather and suede skins. His invented patterns dance on shimmering surfaces exemplifying his immense talent of all things beauty. The movement is a conversation between the materials, how they are placed, and the space in between.

portfolio.jpg View images from Jeffrey Smith's 2024 exhibition We Will Wander.