Salvador Di Quinzio


Salvador Di Quinzio infuses his interest for the human figure and the use of symbolic structures in his artwork to create a pictorial bridge that is imbued in his subconscious world and the physical environment that surrounds him. The evolution of his artwork integrates a constant search for portrayals of a perceived inward reality that conjures up a wide mosaic of ostensible visual subjects. Eclectic emblems and primordial landscapes are in essence the amalgam of the seen and the unseen that marry into a surrealistic composition, which in turn provokes the viewers' interest and curiosity, thus establishing an intimate relationship between the viewer and the work.

Self-taught artist Salvador Di Quinzio was born in Maracay Venezuela. The only boy in a household of Venezuelan – Italian women, Di Quinzio occupied his time by creating his own vibrant, handmade toys and entertaining family and friends. As an engineer with a successful corporate career, he has lived and worked in six different countries in Europe and South America. He tried his hand at painting while looking for a new way to express his creativity. Since then, he has exhibited his artwork regularly in Philadelphia, New York, and the Netherlands. Notably, he was the recipient of the Maybelle Longstreet Prize awarded by juror Stephen Talasnik through exhibition at the Woodmere Museum in Philadelphia and a featured artist in Immanence: The Journal of Applied Mythology, Legend, and Folktale where his painting “Leda and Her Seahorse” was selected for the cover of Vol. 2 No. 2 Spring/Summer 2018. His paintings are held in private collections in the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, and Venezuela.

portfolio.jpg View images from Salvador Di Quinzio's 2019 exhibition, Saltimbanques et comédien.