Richard Pian


Painter Richard Pian draws inspiration from the unexpected sights and spaces found in our urban world. With an iridescent palette that changes in light, Pian creates peaceful dream-like moments from what he finds in both the ordinary and extraordinary scenery of our surroundings. Mainly a painter working with acrylic paint and marker, Pian also works in pen and ink and collage. His artistic process allows him to discover where the paint brush leads him. His intent is to the draw the viewer into a transformed vision of our conventional world.

Pian (b. 1949) graduated from Ivy School of Art in 1970. He studied with John Delmonte in Lucca, Italy for two months in 1980. Pian has presented solo exhibitions with PortFolio, Bloomfield Artworks, and Guild Theater and has participated in group exhibitions with Three Rivers Arts Festival, Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh PlayHouse, Digging Pitt, and PPG Place.

portfolio.jpg View images from Richard Pian's 2020 exhibition, Sweet Dreams.